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Yeah, The topic i want to discuss is WHAT FGO 9th Anniversary Servant gonna be instead of WHO it is.
Multicore Comp Trend
If we just look at the last two anniversary servant, the trends is that it complements Multicore team.
What is Multicore team? well it is basically a teamcomp consisting of 2 DPS and supports for (generall) 3 turn farming. This is different from normal Quick, Buster, Arts 3 Turn Loop team that people normally use.
Multicore teamcomp with Tonelico and Saito Hajime
This become more and more recent with the appearance of level 90++ nodes. This nodes has a high enemy HP and odd number of enemy for each of its wave, making looping with normal method hard especially for Quick and Arts Servant. You can see example for how HIGH enemy HP for higher level nodes on my youtube channel.
Buster Looping however, despite doesn’t need regeneration like Quick and Arts, still affected by the needing of HIGH NP Level or Servant (usually NP3 or evem more).
FGO 7th Anniversary
When people simply look at Arcureid at first, There is no doubt that she is a AOE Buster DPS through and through. However, looking closer, what she brings is a utility to do Multicore farming.
Without other support she brings with her:
- Skill 1: Reduce enemy defense
- Skill 2: Charge own NP by 100% (making her flexible to use NP in all wave)
- Skill 3: Charge party NP Gauge by 30% (provided that you had use her NP before in turn 1)
FGO 8th Anniversary
Tonelico is literally an improvement from Arcureid. She brings more damage buff to party and more NP Charge to party, making Multicore party building easier.
Without other supports she brings with her:
- Skill 1: Charge Np Gauge for party by 10% each turn
- Skill 2: Increase party Atk
- Skill 3: Charge Party NP Gauge by 50% and Increase Party NP damage by 30%.
What is Lacking?
What they are lacking is flexibility to charge party NP gauge in Turn 1 so that other member of the party can use their NP on turn 1.
Arcureid can charge party NP Gauge by 30% yes, but only after she use her NP. That means the other DPS can only use their NP on turn 2 at the very least.
Tonelico also has the same problem because her party NP Gauge Charge Skill is limited by cooldown on turn 1.
What i think 9th Servant gonna be?
Fgo 9th Anniversary servant is very likely to improve on Tonelico weakness. So by that we should get a servant that can:
- Charge Party NP Gauge on turn 1
- Buff Party Atk
- Buff Party NP damage
Possibility for more?
The only thing i feel the 9th Anniversary Servant gonna have is a 30% Rainbow (Buster, Arts, Quick) buff for party or targeted.
Yes, that’s gonna make some servant very very good, but people can hope right?